RFID Solution

RFID uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects.Tags contain electronically stored information.RFID is one method of automatic identification & data capture.



Barcode Solution

Barcode (AIDC) refers to the methods of automatically identifying objects, collecting data about them, and entering them directly into computer systems, without human involvement.


Coding & Marking Solution

Continuous inkjet (CIJ) & TIJ  printers are used in industry to provide accurate and consistent product marking and coding i.e Batch/MRP/Expiry Date Printing.


Software Development

We at Codeline provides all types of software solution For Eg: Windows/IOS/Android/Cloud/Client-Server based software and we have developed here any customized software.

“Codeline Automation”

First priority’s “Customer Satisfaction”

Mahatma Gandhi said- “A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work – he is the purpose of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to serve him.”

keep touch with us

A few things we’re great at

“Codeline Automation” promise/assure to our all customers that our side you will get service support on time and products of good quality.

Service Support on Time

In case of any machine downtime during AMC, our engineer will reach on time & resolve.

Client Support

Reliable Product/Software

Our supplied products and softwares are reliable and we gives good warranty period for the same.

Client Support

Deliver/Go-live Timely

As many projects as we have done on the time till date. Hardware & Software boths are includes in an Project.

Client Support

Long Relationship

We believe in building strong and long relationships with customers.

Client Support

Our Solutions To Create A Automatic Supply Chain

Supply Chain automation refers to systematizing part or all of a workflow to improve processes. In essence, it means utilizing technology to centrally manage a complex web of working parts. … In other words, supply chain automation is both cost-effective and leads to higher profitability.”

“Codeline Warehouse inventory management ” includes hardware, such as barcode printers and scanners and software that runs on computers and mobile devices that allow for barcode scanning and other operations. BARCODE HARDWARE. An important part of any barcode inventory system is the hardware”


Weighbridge Automation System in automating the process of loading and unloading vehicles and keeps a track of vehicles without any manual Paper Work” Traffic Lights, safty sensors, Boom Barriers, Announcement speaker & other hardware also used for this automation.


Codeline is Leading Supplier of Coding Machine(CIJ), Code Printer Machine(TIJ)Batch Printing Machine(TTO) suppliers based in India”


Our Product Range

Codeline Automation is a leading organization in Barcode/RFID system integration and industrial automation all India and associates with leading brands like Zebra Technologies,Honeywell Automation, Datalogic, Argox,Sato,Real Time Controls etc..

Barcode Printer

AIDC Product

We are presenting these products to customers within given time-frame.Long recognized for their quality, durability and reliability. Codeline offers Desktop Rugged Metallic body Industrial Class Thermal Transfer / Direct Thermal, wireless printing, network printer management and other leading edge bar code technologies for every type of printing, identification, and data collection application.

 Barcode HHT 

RFID/Barcode Scanners

UHF RFID Handheld Readers from Codeline offer consistency in high performance as well as the functionality needed to jumpstart a successful RFID system. An RFID Reader is a radio frequency transmitter and receiver that can can read and write information to an RFID tag. RFID Readers can also be fixed or portable. Portable, or mobile, RFID readers can be installed or carried almost anywhere.

RFID Boom Barrier

Boom Barrier

UHF RFID Entrance Solutions – are popular in housing complex, Industry etc where many vechicles enter & exit in the complex daily. In this system UHF RFID ( Ultra High Frequency Radio frequency Identification) Cards / or Tags / or Stickers are pasted on the Vehicle wind screen. One UHF Reader is mounted at the Entry & Exit Gates. These readers can read the UHD Cards / stickers / tags from 10~12 meter distance and OPENS the Gate.

Machine Vision

Industrial Automation

We have an eminent name for offering a vast array of Industrial Automation Machine Vision. This product is manufactured using only quality tested materials. Codeline machine vision product line encompasses both hardware and software while covering a wide range of performance and price point requirements. A complete offer of products and solutions ranging from simple vision sensors up to smart cameras and embedded vision systems for  traceability.







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