
Pharmacy Management System

Patient safety is one of the prime concerns in healthcare industry worldwide.

A wrong medicine, exchange of blood sample, etc. can cause havoc to the patient.

Fortunately, advancement in the technology has brought much respite in the area.

Today, with the use of barcode and RFID, not only the patient identification and visualization can be done effectively but various other operational efficiencies can be achieved.

Right from admission of the patient to various stages like medication, patient identification during stay, patient samples, billing and medical history can be tracked.

Some of the solutions offered by Codeline are:

  • Patient Identification
  • Mother Child Care
  • Sample Tracing and Tracking
  • Bedside Drug Administration
  • Bio Medical Waste Management
  • Blood Bank Management
  • Assets and Equipment Tracking
  • Inventory Management in Pharmacy
  • POS Solutions in Pharmacy

At Codeline, we specialize in healthcare solutions for a better management that in return foster a better care of patients.

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